The new Jagex dev blog is up and it's about Runescape Classic!
How exciting! No details yet but apparently Jagex is developing a way for players to rent a server and host the Runescape Clasic game. Players can then chose whether they allow cheats. They can also give powers (moderator, I assume) to other players.
Will you be playing this? Comments, please and see you there when it launches.
Runescape sucks! serial it does.
Runescape....ahh..its not good man....i didnt liked that....
Blogging Know How
Hi, nice blog for Runescape lovers! I'm a gamer myself...not of Runescape but lots of other games:)
This is going to be fun!
I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our world, and I am 99% certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
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I have heard runescape has came back to Runescape old School servers.runescape account
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